

延性 testing measures the amount of stress that can be applied to a material without causing a fracture. The testing is critical in pavement construction because without sufficient ductility, asphalt is likely to crack from temperature variations, 交通和其他压力. Simply put, it is the measure of how far a sample will stretch before it breaks.

Materials needed for asphalt ductility testing include a sample briquette, 黄铜模具, 水浴, a ductility testing machine 和 a thermometer.

洪堡’s ductility testing machines measure the distance of elongation before reaching the breaking point of a sample being pulled apart at a specific speed 和 temperature. This determines the ductility of formed asphalt/cement or semi-solid bitumen.

洪堡 provides high quality, USA-made ductility machines 和 all the necessary components for accurate sampling 和 testing procedures.

精英系列自动化冷藏延度计 – Both models feature 洪堡’s Elite Series touch-screen controller with full graphical monitoring of all testing functions 和 ability to control the machine from a networked computer.

洪堡延展性机 – This three-speed machine was designed for st和ard 和 force ductility tests. The direct drive motor maintains a constant speed. Features a stainless steel interior with an overflow connection 和 a baked enamel stainless steel wrapped exterior.

温度控制 延性试验机 – An upgrade to the 洪堡 ductility machine features the addition of a circulating temperature control unit.

Basic 延性试验机 – Economy model is a three-speed testing machine for st和ard 和 force ductility tests. It does not include an wrapped exterior or thermal-finned stainless steel tubes for thermal transfer.

Circulating Temperature Controller – Designed f或使用 with the H-1068X ductility machine, 它提供了一个固态, thermostatically-controlled bath 和 circulator to maintain even water temperature.

Molds, 配件 和 Components – Available accessories 和 components include 延展性机座, 团块模具, 弹性恢复模具, 基板, force determination kits 和 transducers.

For more details about the ductility testing process, read our blog post “延性 Testing with 洪堡 Solutions”.


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